Happy spring to all fellow book lovers! There is optimism in the air as we get back to more normal ways of living, albeit cautiously.
As we work with our clients, questions continue to arise in all areas of both craft and the publishing process. To address some of these issues, we are pleased to announce a new service, Office Hours with 5E! This is a free, monthly session on Friday mornings from 10:00-11:00 a.m. with a couple of 5E editors on a rotating basis, featuring topics and questions that often come up in our work with individual writers.
Details for the first session with Jane Rosenman and Patricia Mulcahy are below. As we gauge interest, we will be flexible. Initially, we’ve put a cap of 15 participants. If you’re interested, please sign up sooner rather than later!
We don’t claim to have all the answers, but we have years of experience and collective knowledge to share. And we’d love to hear what issues you’ve been wrestling with. We look forward to Zooming with you!
Yours in literary fellowship….